Why We Do the Things We Do?
Day to day, as time passes us by and we watch the different people we encounter each day, we may begin to wonder why people do the things...

It's All About Building the Relationship!
Let your faith not waiver because of trials and tribulations. God is God all by Himself and He can do the impossible in our lives when we...

But God......
There are many things I give God thanks for. He has truly been instrumental in my life even when I was not walking with Him, but...

What Are You Searching For?
In this day and age, we are always searching for a way to do things better, smarter, wiser, etc. We study, ask questions, and google our...

It's a New Year, and.............
Happy New Year to all of you.......God has brought us into another year; another season. Some of you may be making resolutions and...

The Christmas Hangover
Wow, what a wonderful time of the year; Christmas. A time to spend with friends and family, see loved ones you have not seen in a while,...

To Think or not to Think; Is that the Question?
God has equipped us with the intellegence to think beyond what our forefathers thought, push imanginations to the limit, we have the will...

Are We Married to Technology?
Hello, and I am so happy to be able to blog again. Recently I had an issue with my computer to where I felt my life was on hold. ...

Time Stands Still for No One
I often hear people talk about their past as if they wish they could go back. They marvel at days gone by as if their lives have stopped...