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A Woman's Soul: Restored Podcast


Podcast Link on Spotify


The 'A Woman's Soul: Restored' Podcast talks about rediscovering hope, happiness, and the things that can happen in life that can seem to take away your essence. Latonia, and her co-host Patricia and Tamara along with guest periodically, focus on the traumas that may have made you a victim and discuss measures that can be implemented to turn that negative into VICTORY.  Topics are discussed that are hard to hear but necessary for growth, vitality, and a newness in life after a trauma.  The 'A Woman's Soul: Restored' Podcast is discovering ways to heal, make whole, and bring fulfillment back to lives by sharing real life stories, empowerment, and next-level living; and how you can get there from where you are right NOW!

                      New Episodes every Sunday!


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Season 4 Episode 6    9/8/24


Bent But Not Broken


Situations can happen to us where we feel like we are done, over it, and life is pretty much over. This can occur several times in our lifetime. Each time, we feel miserable, and it always seems like this time, this is really it. But guess what, we are still here. Still here to live, love, feel, appreciate, learn, grow, and everything that comes along with living life daily. Join Latonia this week as she does commentary on we may feel broken, but we are just bent, and this is just an opportunity to learn a lesson.





Season 4 Episode 5 9/1/24


Restored From Gun Violence; Interview with WaTea Smiley

Personal, raw, and unedited....this interview is one that will tug on your heart strings. Meet a young lady that has seen her life flash before her eyes because of gun violence. Hear her story as she digs deep to get it out and bring awareness to others that sometimes there are no signs as to what is to come.
Join Latonia this week as she has an up close and very personal interview with WaTea Smiley of Savannah, Ga.

Disclaimer: This is Ms. Smiley's story from her living it and how she has told it from the beginning. No names, or any verbal physical descriptions, have been mentioned in this interview.



Season 4 Episode 4 8/25/24


How Independent Are We As Women; Is Chivalry Dead?


How do we look at a man that opens a vehicle door for a woman, or better yet, how do we look at that woman that is getting the door opened for her? Do we see him as a do-boy or see her as taking a step back for women or do we see him as someone who adores his lady or her as being the receipent of a dying act?

Join Latonia this week as she discusses what possibly the womens movement has advertently done to the actions of men.

Join in!






Season 4 Episode 3      08/18/24


Do Not Harm The Children! with Latonia Y. Hendry

We have a serious situation going on. Some mothers have assumed the role of hurting their children instead of helping them.
What causes a mother to harm, or kill, her baby/children?
What may be going on in her life to cause her to do such a thing?
What are the signs to look for?
Join Latonia this week as she emotionally tackles this topic with researched information and insights about mothers that do the unthinkable to their children.
Be sure to tune in!




Season 4 Week 2     08/11/24


Moving Past Hidden Hurt and Pain: Show Yourself Some Grace!


Many of us go through life with various situations that can make us feel like we cannot let anyone in so we glide through life like nothing is going on. We smile, work, and go about our lives in pain without wanting to burden anyone so we keep it inside. What does this do to us mentally, socially, and physically?

Join Latonia this week as she discusses the many faces of masking hidden hurt and pain and also being able to show ourselves some grace!





Season 4 Opener   8/5/24


The Comeback


Season 4 begins with a question...What do you do when life happens and you have to pick yourself up from the trials and tribulations, loss, health issues, etc...? Join Latonia as she shares her Comback Journey and gives insight on how you can begin yours.

She also makes a special announcement at the end so be sure to tune in!

































Contact me about being a guest!

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