​​Latonia Y. Hendry

Who Am I?
Lifestyle Enthusiast
Empowerment Coach and Speaker
Published Author, Writing Coach, and Editor
Student of Life
"I am excited about life and all its possibilities. I look forward to God's mercies being renewed each day. Each breath that I breath is a reminder of His grace.
I love people, but I am also a studier of people....their in's and out's, how we are different but yet the same, and how each of us function on this earth.
There is so much to learn, so never settle for just knowing enough to get by. Knowledge is life, ignorance is death!!"
Latonia is currently hosting coaching sessions for women in the areas of healing from trauma, emotional health, and spiritual health. Also help with beginning the journey to entrepreneurship.
Click on the 'Contact' link to request more information!
Find out more about me,
Click biography!

Before and after pictures of a kitchen that was decluttered and organized.
Before and after pictures of a livingroom/diningroom combo that was decluttered and organized.

Spirit of Xxcellence
De-cluttering and Professional Organizing Services
Spirit of Xxcellence Decluttering and Professional Organizing Services offers services that puts your home or workspace in working order by putting items in order so that you can function more efficiently. No job is too big or too small.
Professionalism and Attention to Detail!
Latonia has been helping people organize and straighten their spaces for years and now has decided to turn her passion into a business. She is proficient in organizing and finding usable space to store items that are not being used. She is passionate about helping her clients have an 'ease in life' by having organized spaces de-cluttered, free, and uninhibited for movement throughout areas in the home or office.
Each assignment requires a contract, but bigger de-clutter jobs have a more detailed contract and a daily activity log to accompany the contract. Each assignment is handled in a professional and orderly manner.
Contact Latonia to schedule your walkthrough to access your area you want de-cluttered and organized.