Why wonder?
Sometimes, we go through so many things at one time until we may begin to wonder what is going on in our lives. We get caught up in the ups and downs of life and begin to question our very existance. It is without a doubt that we are going to go through situations and problems, but your divine purpose is still the same. In fact, that is why we go through so much because the enemy has already seen our future and his job is to cause disruption, but our job is to stand on the word of God; to know it and to own it for ourselves. What a terrible loss it would be if we spent our entire lives worrying and wondering when we can spend it celebrating being joyous and at peace. Yes, we are going to have problems and issues, but God is just too good to us to wonder about the outcome of what we are going through now. Trust Him and His infinite wisdom to do what in His word, He said He is going to do. Know that He is God and our problems are not too big for Him. Remember to love life now, love life now!